

俄勒冈州立大学校友布兰登·卢扎克,M.D., combines love of sports, medicine into career as surgeon

博士的照片. 卢扎克和一个病人

Brandon Luczak, m.s.D., '15, OUWB, works with a patient at his office in Brighton on 10月. 6, 2022. (罗布·霍尔摄)


Brandon Luczak在成为M之前是一名四分卫.D. Here, he takes a snap while at the helm of the Kalamazoo College squad. (Photo by Ron Leifeld; courtesy Kalamazoo College)


卢扎克还在卡拉马祖学院打棒球. (Photo by Ron Leifeld; courtesy Kalamazoo College)


日历图标10月. 7, 2022

铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


One would be hard-pressed to find anyone who thinks an ACL tear is a good thing, but that’s exactly how it worked out for Brandon Luczak, m.s.D.

那是因为如果不是高中那次受伤的话, 鲁扎克的生活可能会有所不同, ’15, OUWB.

He might not have understood at such a young age the difference that a physician can make in someone’s life.

He might not have been exposed to the medical and physical rehab settings — the kind of places appealing to a youngster like Luczak, 谁对科学和工程有浓厚的兴趣.

他可能没有上过OUWB. 他可能根本就不是医生.

“I really felt grateful for my surgeon who was able to take me from a spot where I couldn’t play to a place where I could play at a high level,他说.

如此如此, 他说, that the seed of an idea to one-day become a physician was planted — an idea that would eventually become reality.

“I liked the idea of being the one to help people to get back to playing sports and doing the things that they love to do.”


Luczak grew up in Rochester, Michigan, not too far from 365英国上市官网.

He attended Rochester High School, and good grades came fairly easy for him.

“我被教导要尽我所能,”他说. “You know, put in the work and get out of it what you need to get out of it.”

He carried that attitude over to sports, which Luczak says have always been a big part of his life. He grew up playing soccer, football, basketball, and baseball. In high school, he played basketball, baseball, and football.

运动对他来说非常重要, 事实上, that he wasn’t dissuaded when he tore his ACL playing basketball between his freshman and sophomore years.


作为一名本科生, he attended Kalamazoo College where he not only studied pre-med, 他还参加了两项运动:棒球和足球.

To this date, Luczak holds just about every school passing 记录在账簿上 从他辉煌的2009赛季开始. That includes the top three records for total offense in a game, 单场传球码数记录前两名, 在一款游戏中完成最多的任务, as well as total passing yards and total touchdown passes for a single season.

“Sports have always been a huge part of my life and I always wanted to make some type of career out of them,他说.



从左起,克里斯托弗·戈艾克,克里斯·耶格,M.D.卢扎克,M.D., 2015年,和Jon Goike, M.D.2022年5月,他在OUWB的首届高尔夫球场上说道. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


After Kalamazoo College, Luczak did a research year before being accepted into OUWB.

He says the academic aspects of OUWB were similar to what he had experienced in western Michigan, 尤其是小班授课, and the feeling that all of the students knew each other.

Luczak says he also liked the general philosophy of the school, 课程, 而且那里离他的家人很近.

And as part of the school’s inaugural class, Luczak also found the newness of the school appealing.

“员工和管理层听取了我们的意见,”他表示. “They wanted our feedback…wanted us to be part of building something at OUWB.”

卢扎克也利用了这个机会. In 2012, 他获得了OUWB颁发的拉班奖, which was given to the most outstanding first-year medical student in the school’s Art and Practice of Medicine course.

That same year, he was the first person to receive the Michele D. Raible奖, which is given to a medical student wo best exemplifies a love for learning and a collaborative and supportive spirit amongst the student body.

In 2015, he was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society.

也许最有意义, 他说 is how close he remains with many of the cohort of “pioneers” that made up OUWB’s first class.

“因为我一直在运动, 我一直是一个团队合作者, and that’s how it felt at OUWB — and that’s something that I’ll always remember,他说. “Some of the other big schools I was looking into just didn’t have that kind of feeling.”


Luczak completed an orthopaedic surgery residency at Beaumont. 2019- 2020年,他担任总住院医师.

In 2020-21, Luczak held an orthopaedic sports medicine fellows臀部 at University of Connecticut Musculoskeletal Institute.

在完成研究后, 他回到了底特律, and since 2021 has been an orthopaedic sports medicine surgeon at Trinity Health IHA Medical Group in Brighton.

At IHA, Luczak works with younger and older athletes alike. 他进行非手术和手术, 比如肩关节镜手术, 臀部, 和膝盖, 还有肩关节置换手术. He also works as a team physician at Howell High School.

Luczak says he’s grateful “to be able to do what I wanted to do all along, 哪一个是帮助改善他人的生活.”

“It’s satisfying to know that I’m finally doing that,他说. “It’s most fulfilling to see patients getting back to doing what they love and thanking you for helping them get there…that’s why I do.”

当他不练习的时候, Luczak likes to spend time with his wife of nine years, Jaime, 还有他们的三个儿子. 他还喜欢执教小联盟, and playing golf as part of a mission to “keep the competitive juices flowing.”


“I’m always grateful for everything that OUWB…it helped me get to where I am today,他说.



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