
TOPGUN for medicine

29名OUWB学生加入Alpha Omega Alpha医学协会

An image of the AOA inductees and OUWB officials

来自365英国上市官网威廉博蒙特医学院的29名学生于10月9日正式加入了Alpha Omega Alpha医学协会. 24, 2023. 那些亲自参加活动的人是合影的一部分. (Photo by Rob Hall)

icon of a calendarFeb. 1, 2024

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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来自365英国上市官网威廉博蒙特医学院的29名学生最近加入了Alpha Omega Alpha医学协会,使该学院的总人数接近200人.

最新的入选者来自牛津商学院2024届和2025届. It was the first time M3s were inducted at OUWB.

AOA is an international society recognizing students, alumni, 以及致力于医学事业的教职员工. About 3,500 people are inducted into this society annually.

The father of Mackenzie Schmidt, an M4 inductee, 他把他女儿和其他人的成就比作在美国服役的最好的飞行员中的最好的飞行员.S. 被称为TOPGUN的海军项目,并启发了同名电影.

An image showing the names of all the 2023 AOA inductees“这是一个了不起的成就,”迈克尔·施密特(Michael Schmidt)说.D. “我是一名医生,看到我的女儿如此出色,真是令人难以置信. 我知道AOA有多重要,这是顶级的,它是医学界的顶级武器.”

The students’ accomplishment was celebrated Oct. 24 at The Community House in Birmingham. Berkley Browne, Ph.D., and Pamela Benitez, M.D., 美国航空协会三角洲分会委员兼秘书向约100名入选者的朋友和家人介绍了入选者.


Keynote speaker Christopher Carpenter, M.D., Stephan Sharf Interim Dean, OUWB, 谈到了学生们在进入医学院时,尽管新冠肺炎对世界产生了影响,但他们还是取得了成功.

“你不仅坚持了下来,而且还成功了,”卡朋特说. “You’ve shined and that’s something to be very proud of.”

Rasheed Abdullah, M4, was among the inductees.

“It feels amazing,” he said. “我是第一代,所以这感觉是一个不可思议的成就. 我很高兴并感谢委员会、教师和工作人员把它放在一起.”

‘Special recognition’

AOA has 135 chapters in medical schools throughout the U.S. 自1902年成立以来,已经吸纳了20多万名会员.

超过50位诺贝尔生理学、医学奖和化学奖得主是AOA成员. 其中30多人在获得诺贝尔奖之前就被选为AOA成员.

AOA Delta分会成立于2011年OUWB迎来第一批学员后不久.

OUWB学生事务协调员杰米·瓦塞尔(Jamie Vassel)解释了入会过程.

An image of Dr. Carpenter speaking at the AOA ceremony

Keynote speaker Christopher Carpenter, M.D., Stephan Sharf Interim Dean, OUWB, 谈到了学生们在进入医学院时,尽管新冠肺炎对世界产生了影响,但他们还是取得了成功.

First, students are invited to apply. 合格的M4s必须在医学院前三年的课程中排名前四分之一. 对于M3s来说,它是班级前10%的学生,并且是基于医学院前两年的学习. Quartiles are run in the beginning of August. (在2023年没有申请或没有被录取的M3s仍然可以在第四年申请.)

For their applications, students are asked to list details about awards, leadership, community service, research publications and presentations, and involvement with professional organizations.

For 2023, a committee of 11 then reviewed applications. 所有身份信息都被瓦塞尔从申请表中删除了, so committee members didn’t know who they were reviewing.

Committee members like Matthew Drogowski, M.D., ’19, OUWB和一位前AOA入选者都很重视这一角色,因为它对未来的医生意味着什么.

“很多学生的努力没有得到认可,所以我认为举办这样的活动很好,他们可以得到特别的认可,” he said. “Plus, us in medicine try to be humble people. 我们喜欢庆祝成就,但并不总是喜欢吹捧它们. 这是你觉得可以庆祝这些成就的时候之一.”

A ‘humbling honor’

Near the end of the event, 贝尼特斯提醒入选者,成为AOA的一员不仅仅意味着简历上的亮点.

“你所做的一切意味着你付出了更多, and you’ve certainly given a lot to your community,” she said. “对我来说,这对你在职业生涯中前进非常重要.”

“AOA医生所具备的品质不仅对医生有帮助, but also his or her colleagues, (to) determine, create, and be the new future of medicine,” she added.

Afterwards, family members of inductees were all smiles.

艾琳·穆勒的母亲和祖母从佛罗里达赶来参加活动. Both expressed a tremendous amount of pride.

“我真的很高兴也很自豪能在这里支持我的女儿,她非常努力,” said Stephanie Mueller, Erin’s mother. “她把自己的一生都奉献给了这种教育,每当她空闲的时候,她就会去做志愿者.”

Students expressed similar feelings of excitement.

M3 Amanda Bachand说:“我甚至不知道从哪里开始。. “This was such an unexpected, but really humbling honor.”

珍妮·阮(Jenny Nguyen)表示,这次入会对她来说也意义重大.

“作为第一代移民到这里,来自一个低收入家庭, 我觉得我必须要克服很多障碍,” she said. “对我来说,AOA意味着很多艰苦的工作,也意味着感谢,因为我的背景.”

丹尼尔·福特尼(Daniel Fortney)说,能和“了不起的同学”在一起“真的很特别”.”


“这个教室里有很多人都很努力,而且还在继续努力……我感谢大家对所有这些令人难以置信的成就的认可,我相信其他学生也一样。,” said Fortney.

M4 Konstantinos Koustas echoed similar sentiments.

“This event means a great deal to us,” he said. “我们在大流行期间开始,有点脱节. It’s nice to be able to celebrate what we’ve done together.”

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