通过抖音传播医疗信息的内容创作者有机会制作更好的视频, according to a recent study led by two OUWB medical students.


‘Influence the influencers’


An image of two students who did research on TikTok


icon of a calendarJuly 6, 2022

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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通过抖音传播医疗信息的内容创作者有机会制作更好的视频, according to a recent study led by two OUWB medical students.

讨论干眼症的当前公众趋势:TikTok热门内容的横截面分析” was published in Cureus.

这篇论文评估了TikTok上分享的视频中提供的医疗信息的质量,视频中包含了# dry ye标签.

其目的是利用干眼症等特定疾病来仔细检查包含医疗信息的内容的质量, says lead author Shahrukh Naseer, rising M3.

他说:“这个平台不仅仅是人们发布有趣的视频。. “有很多专业人士在传播信息……其中一些可能是好的, but a lot of it can be bad.”

“That led us to figure out how we can delineate between two.”

Further, co-author Sazid Hasan, rising M3, 她说,越来越多的病人告诉医生,他们通过该平台获取了与健康有关的信息.


The other two authors on the study were Julie Bhuiyan, a research assistant from Harvard University; and Anuradha Prasad, M.D., an ophthalmologist with Beaumont Health.

“社交媒体有可能成为医学教育的有力工具, 我们建议医生和医疗保健从业人员提供高质量的信息,以提高医疗保健素养,” states the study.

“医生可以通过各种方法提高视频中共享信息的质量, including the use of rich supplementary material, citation of relevant sources, 以及对拟议治疗的风险和必要性进行全面评估.” 

‘A nice standard deviation curve’

该研究包括对2021年12月以来的TikTok视频进行横断面分析, using the search term “#DryEye.150个最受欢迎的视频是根据入选标准选出的——至少1个,000 views and in English. 约50人因不符合纳入标准而被排除在研究之外. 

The remaining 100 videos were sorted by influencer-type (nano, micro, mid-tier, and macro) and length. They were also assigned to one of three groups: without supplementary visuals; with minimal supplementary visuals; and rich with supplementary visuals, such as moving and/or multiple images.

此外,视频通过用于评估消费者健康信息的工具DISCERN进行评估. For the study, the DISCERN score was based on answers to 15 key questions, such as: Are the aims (of the video) clear?; Is (the video) balanced and unbiased?; and Is (the video) relevant? Each question was scored on a one to five scale.

给每个视频打分需要看“至少三到四次”,” says Naseer, meaning it took a long time to evaluate all of the videos. But evaluating as many videos as possible was important, he adds.

“重要的是要尽可能地获得更广泛的图景……这一切都是为了获得更大的样本量。,” he says.

“Based on prior studies, 我们认为100个视频就能得到很好的标准差曲线,” says Hasan.

‘Great quality of communication’

The researchers identified four types of content creators: licensed physicians; non-physician medical providers; non-medical individuals; and private companies.

After thoroughly analyzing each video, study findings included:

- TikTok是干眼症患者教育的强大工具. (研究中的视频累积了约1亿次观看和600多万次点赞, along with tens of thousands of comments and shares.)
— Most content creators (80%) were female.
— Longer videos of 30 to 45 seconds had significantly higher DISCERN scores; videos no longer than 15 seconds had the lowest scores.

纳西尔说:“这确实说明了(成为一名医生)的训练水平。. “You’ve got the years of med school, 经过多年的住院医师培训,你真的会成为这个领域的专家,你有资格分享这些信息,并拥有支持这些信息的资源.”


“更高质量的沟通可以促进共享健康信息的质量提高, 我们鼓励内容创作者利用丰富的辅助视觉效果, such as multiple or moving images, to support the information they present,” states the study.


“It’s all about informing the general public and saying ‘Hey, if you’re trying to make effective and educational videos, these things we highlighted work,’” he said.


“我希望人们从中得到的最大收获是(他们)有能力做出更高质量的作品, well-researched, and well-informed videos,” he says. “By doing so, 你在表明,掌握正确的信息很重要,你是解决方案的一部分.”

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