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花一分钟想想你身边所有你认识的人——现在问问你自己, how much do you really know about them? Most likely, we’re only glancing at the surface.

But what if you could know more about the people around you? 如果你有机会更深入地了解你周围的人——是什么驱使他们成功呢, 他们的动机是什么?, what keeps them pushing forward?

How would that change the way we treat each other?

We think we know who 365英国上市官网 is. 研究 defines the people of OU as resilient, 专用的, 有决心的人,他们坚持不懈地发现和创造自己的成功.

我们想知道的是 OU是谁? beyond the research – beyond these walls. 谁是真正的OU?

Everyone has a story and this is ours.

查看我们的故事 和我们分享你的故事


Master of Education in Higher Education Leadership, 2018
Bachelor of 健康科学 with a Concentration in Pre-Physical Therapy, 辅修运动科学, 2016

丹尼尔·刘易斯在弗林特长大, 在来到365英国上市官网攻读健康科学学士学位之前. 在弗林特长大的经历使他具备了今天所拥有的勇气和决心. After drastically changing his career course, 丹尼尔现在是韦恩州立大学的一名成功教练,在那里他能够激励其他年轻学生改变他们的未来.



Growing up in Flint was definitely a humbling experience. 你会听到很多关于弗林特的消极情绪和弗林特学生所经历的逆境, but you don’t hear about the positivity. 所以你没有听说过弗林特的指导和领导. At Flint Northern High School, it was a predominantly black school. A lot of us had similar backgrounds, a lot of us grew up in single parent households, 低的收入, 第一代, and these are things that we thought were normal. So this is Flint Northern High School. This is the high school that I graduated from. 它实际上是2013年关闭的,我是2012年毕业的. The main thing it helped me with was grit. 所以我们面临很多挑战,大多数时候我们处于劣势,我们资金不足. A lot of times, we had to fight for what we wanted. 这真的给我灌输了很多价值观,告诉我不管你的环境如何, no matter what the situation is, 你要保持乐观. 当我在高中的时候,很多人会告诉我运动是我的出路, 那是我的出路. I didn’t necessarily agree with it even though I was an athlete, 我想证明我自己,我想向他们展示,学术也可以是我的出路,也可以是许多其他学生的出路. My drive for helping other people definitely started at home. 我的母亲和祖母,他们曾经放下手头的事情只是为了确保其他人都好. 我知道他会很特别,因为他小的时候我经常测试他,我在他身上看到了一些东西. 当他选择了奥克兰,他去了那里,我看到了他参与的一些事情, then I saw the way the people up there gravitated toward him. That’s what I’m really proud of also, 他鼓励别人的方式和他的未来要花很长时间, 漫长的道路. 我认为无论他决定做什么,无论他去哪里,他都会非常成功. So he’s on his way, he’s on that journey now. The energy in Detroit is electric so there are new businesses open, 到处都是学生, 市中心总是很热闹. When my mom found out that I received this position, she was ecstatic. So I could actually hear her on the phone, jumping in the background. 她为我感到骄傲,因为她知道这是我想要的,而且这份工作也适合我这个人. Growing up in Flint, Michigan is really what inspired me to go this route. Students face a lot of challenges, 但我知道有一些最有才华的人来自弗林特. 对我来说,最重要的是知道有人在他们身边帮助他们实现梦想和目标. 我知道我的激情是在教育领域,所以我明白我需要追随我的激情,以便向年轻的学生展示追随他们的激情. Not just to do what everybody else wants you to do but do what you love. So that was kinda the turning point for me. What I really hope to accomplish is if a student hears my name come up, 有人有故事要讲, 很棒的故事, 我从哪里来, things that I’ve been through and how I made it all work. 所以,无论学生是否属于少数群体,我们都有希望,这一点非常重要. I want show that there is hope in this route. 如果你有梦想, 你可以实现它,所以你只需要继续朝着你的目标努力,最重要的是继续前进.


Ernesto Duran-Gutierrez – Saginaw, Michigan
Bachelor of Arts in Dance, 2020

出生在一个舞蹈世家, 埃内斯托·杜兰-古铁雷斯总是喜欢通过动作来表达自己. Determined to master his passion, Ernesto joined 365英国上市官网’s School of Music, 戏剧和舞蹈, and found not only the perfect environment to express himself in, but also a door to an opportunity he would never have imagined.


我听到有人说,“哦,我不会跳舞”,或者你知道,“哦,我永远不会成为舞者。.” My quick response is dancing is just glorified living.


Growing up my aunts and uncles were traditional Mexican folklore dancers. 每次我们举行家庭聚会,我的父母或祖父母总是第一个出现在舞池里. So I think that kind of inspired me to pursue dancing.

I love being able to connect with my culture through movement. Having the family support, it gave me the drive that I have today.

真正吸引我来公开大学学习舞蹈的是我想要了解我真正热爱的是什么. 我觉得这对我来说是一个完美的环境,不仅可以学习其他风格的舞蹈, but also learn what my style of dance was. I’ve learned that dancing is just as mental as it is physical.

当我在状态的时候, 这是我真正测试自己的时间,真正发现我能处理什么.

So my job for the Detroit Lions is the flag crew. We run the flags, we hold up signs, and I have the opportunity to perform. When I got the news that I got the job I felt fulfilled. 它非常适合我. I knew my family had to be the first ones that I told. 所以他们知道我付出的所有努力最终会带来这样的机会.

穿上狮子队的队服真的让我感到自信,因为我觉得这就是我的归属. 我的目标是周游世界,通过舞蹈与尽可能多的人交流和联系.

You don’t necessarily need a plan, you just need a vision. Always have an idea of where you want to go, but be open to every opportunity that comes along the way, because you have no idea what they could turn into.


Karla Gudino Avila – Detroit, MI
Master of Education in Educational Leadership, 2020

卡拉·古迪诺·阿维拉对教育坚定不移的奉献使她为社区取得了成功. Karla’s immigrant parents struggled to provide for their family. 今天,卡拉是她家里第一个高中毕业并获得大学学位的人. 365英国上市官网使卡拉能够在照顾儿子和做全职工作的同时推进她的事业.

她不知疲倦的毅力使她从数学老师升到了副校长, and she is on the fast track to becoming principal.


[音乐]作为家里第一个从高中和大学毕业的人是很困难的. 我知道学校是成功的关键,但没有人真正在那里指导我. 我叫卡拉·古迪诺·阿维拉,是底特律克里斯多雷高中的副校长. 在大学里没有看到很多少数族裔学生,这促使我回到我的社区,帮助他们, inspire them to go to school that they can do it. 我的使命是服务. I wanted to learn how to be a better leader, 我现在处于领导的位置,所以我有必要参加一个领导力项目. It's never too late to go back to school and earn your degree. My degree of 365英国上市官网 helped me be more confident, identify what type of leader I am, 我的优点是什么, and what are my areas that I need to grow. 我希望能成为下一任校长,也希望能继续激励其他人去追求自己的梦想. (音乐).

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