



詹姆斯·布卢姆林,m.m.D.在2022年的毕业典礼上. (罗布·霍尔摄)


日历图标12月. 21, 2022

铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


詹姆斯·布卢姆林,m.m.D.在OUWB的舞台上 毕业典礼 七个月前, but it didn’t take long for him to figure out the most rewarding aspect of being a doctor.

家庭医学住院医师 亨利福特医院 在底特律, Blumline, ’22, says it’s when patients make a particular comment — one that he holds near and dear to his heart, 提醒他工作的意义.

“It’s seeing patients at the family medicine clinic and at the end of the encounter, 病人说, “从现在起我能见到你吗?? 你能做我的初级保健医生吗?’”布卢姆兰说.

“Knowing that in a shortish amount of time I’ve built that amount of trust and that sort of relationship means a lot to me, 因为我知道这对他们意义重大.”

Blumline credits his education at OUWB for preparing him to hit the ground as a resident.

That includes recently being named to Henry Ford Health System’s Ethics Committee, 根据它 网页, “is designed to promote the highest quality ethical standards in health care delivery by providing ethical guidance…through case consultation, 政策的形成, 道德教育, 让所有员工都能随时获得这些服务, 病人及家属, 以及整个社会.”

“OUWB did a really good job of making (ethics) a fundamental part of how we engage in patient care,他说.


布卢姆林在沃伦长大, 密歇根, 就读于365英国上市官网, 他在哪里获得生物工程学士学位.

在攻读本科学位期间, 布卢姆兰还曾在 福特汽车公司. 在密歇根州迪尔伯恩.

“I didn’t really love it…I felt like I wasn’t feeling fulfilled,他说.

He took a step back to decide what he really cared about, and made a list of pros and cons. 它最终成为了一名医生或兽医. 

“I flipped a coin between med school and vet school and med school won out,他说.

Blumline applied to several medical schools, but it was OUWB that won him over.

“On interview day, I felt like it was one of the best interview days I went to,他说. “我觉得他们已经准备好了,对我很了解, and were ready to give me a lot of information about the program as well.”

“I also felt like the community aspect was something that I really was looking forward to,布卢姆兰补充道.


布卢姆林和他的女朋友, Baylee高迪, 在底特律市中心市场和凯迪拉克休息室附近闲逛. (提交的图)


在OUWB就读期间, Blumline took a self-directed approach to volunteering and community service, 与密歇根人道协会等组织合作, 底特律动物园, 胭脂之友, 和Apex学院.

The medical education Blumline says he received at OUWB was “pretty good, 尤其是到了临床阶段.”

OUWB的医科学生在三家医院接受培训,这三家医院现在是 Corewell健康: Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital in Royal Oak; Corewell健康 Beaumont Troy Hospital; and Corewell健康 Beaumont Grosse Pointe Hospital.

“The clinical faculty were generally pretty excited to teach med students,布卢姆兰说. “And the residents we worked with generally were eager to get us involved.”

事实上, it was his family medicine rotation at Corewell健康 Beaumont Troy Hospital that tipped the scales for Blumline to specialize in the field.


除此之外, it helped him realize that family medicine practitioners have the unique position of “really making sure that people get excellent health care all around…and you’re also helping people who live in the area around you.”

关于OUWB的临床前教育, Blumline says the highlight for him was the school’s emphasis on ethics and humanities.

“Nationwide, I think everyone is going to have a pretty similar pre-clinical education,他说. “但道德是OUWB真正脱颖而出的地方.”

Blumline says OUWB goes well beyond simply giving its medical students a class and advising them to try and meet patients where they’re at.

“在OUWB, it was really integrated into the entirety of the education and not just within the ethics curriculum,他说. “OUWB did a really good job of keeping us patient-centered and making sure they we’re continuing to give patients the patience and grace they deserve.”


Blumline says his ultimate goal is to go into practice in an underserved community.

It’s the primary reason, he says, that he wanted to work for 亨利福特医院 in downtown Detroit.

作为一名新居民, 布卢姆林承认有一段调整期, 这是一段既轻松又艰难的日子.

Specializing in family medicine means that “every month is totally different.“他目前正在产房工作, 并且已经在放射科工作了一段时间, 产前, 住院治疗. 明年1月,他将接受手术.

He’s already applied much of what he learned throughout his time at OUWB to real-world situations, particularly when it comes to treating patients in ways that they’re most comfortable.

“I feel comfortable and confident of different methods of meeting patients where they’re at, whether it’s adjusting medical regimes to be something that they’re acceptable with even though it might not be optimal, or goal-setting in ways that will help patients reach their own goals,布卢姆兰说.

That level of comfort also made it easy for him to apply to the Henry Ford Health System Ethics Committee. He was selected to be part of the consult service offered by the committee, which means he will primarily be having end-of-life discussions with patients and their loved ones.

“It’s important that patients get the care they deserve, and that they desire,他说. “Also, end-of-life discussions is something I’ve always cared a lot about.”

It’s the kind of thing Blumline says he plans to continue refining and learning about while at Henry Ford, 他的总体目标是积累经验, 提高效率, 并承担研究项目.

“I’m excited to keep learning more and get to a point where I feel comfortable doing all of this on my own in a couple of years,他说.
