


Dr. Randal Westrick received NIH and American Heart Association research grants of $450,000 and $155,000. This funding will continue his research of the genetics of thrombosis.

Dr. 兰德尔·韦斯特瑞克博士. Luis Villa-Diaz got approval of their application for $165,000 for the American Heart Association Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship.

Dr. 兰德尔·韦斯特瑞克博士. Fabia Battistuzzi获得2美元,000,提供资金(津贴)的000元补助金, 学费, 和医疗保健)每年为四名研究生提供培训,培养漫画科学领域的创业技能.

Dr. Luis Villa-Diaz和Dr. Gerard Madlambayan获得了450美元,000支持旨在阐明肺肿瘤中存在的造血干细胞的干细胞生态位的建议.

Dr. 路易斯·维拉-迪亚兹获得了250美元,他的项目旨在开发和测试用于衍生和培养可转化为临床应用的人类诱导多能干细胞的合成基质.

Dr. Randal Westrick被选为2023年XIANGQUN ZENG最活跃资助寻求者奖,该奖授予在报告年度提交最多联邦提案的研究者.

生物工程学生, Olivia Racette和Molly Vue, 获得了跨学科口头报告奖的进展计算和本科海报展示奖的工程, 分别, at SigmaXI International Forum on 研究 Excellence.


Dr. Hua Ming was appointed the interim chair of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Dr. Mehdi Bagherzadeh被任命为计算机科学与工程系的学术项目协调员.

Dr. Mohammad Wardat joined the CSE faculty as Assistant Professor.


• B.S. 人工智能
• B.S. 网络安全
• M.S. 人工智能
计算机科学学士.S., Software Engineering and Information Technology, M.S.
Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security and Trustworthy AI

Automation Alley and the School of 工程与计算机科学 have
从美国空军获得了200万美元的奖金.S. 网络安全办公室, 能源安全, and Emergency Response to create a university-based cyber security center in 密歇根.

Dr. Sunny Raj获得了美国国家科学基金会计算机与信息科学与工程研究启动计划(NSF CRII)的巨大资助:“在内存机器学习中使用交叉杆的偷偷路径,以提高鲁棒性和能源效率。.”

Dr. 马天乐(PI)的CRII NSF项目“癌症多组学和驱动因素发现的自监督图神经网络元学习”获得资助." Dr. Ma was awarded $156,911 for the duration of two years.

Dr. Lanyu (Lori) Xu (PI), 她的项目“CNS: OCEAN:一种一次性的医学成像边缘协作系统”获得了NSF CRII资助.” Dr. Xu was awarded $175,000 for the duration of two years.

Dr. Sunny Raj(联合pi)获得了一项名为“通过自主科学实验室的设计和自动化控制动员新兴多样化人工智能人才(MEDAL)”的美国能源部项目,为期三年. Dr. 拉杰的份额是60万美元.

Dr. Huirong Fu was appointed to the rank of Distinguished Professor.


增强现实中心, a collaboration between OU’s School of 工程与计算机科学 and the College for Creative Studies, 正式开业. 这个中心是由博士领导的. 哈立德殿下.

Dr. 杰弗里·路易被评为两个OU奖项的获得者:2023年最活跃的研究奖以及2023年杰出青年研究员奖. These honors are awarded by the OU Office of 研究.

Dr. Jun Chen was named a recipient of the 2023 XIANGQUN ZENG MOST ACTIVE GRANT SEEKER award from OU Office of 研究.

365英国上市官网 has joined a coalition of universities and colleges in Ohio, 密歇根, 伊利诺斯州和印第安纳州的人聚集在一起,组成了一个名为中西部地区网络的组织,以解决国家在半导体和微电子方面的需求. Dr. Hongwei Qu serves as the liaison to the Midwest Semiconductor Network.

The third part of the 21st IEEE Embedded System Workshop took place in-person at 365英国上市官网. It was sponsored by the IEEE Computer Chapter and Education Chapter of the IEEE Southeastern 密歇根 Section. 来自工业界和学术界的7位演讲者和70多名与会者讨论了与嵌入式系统相关的各种主题.

Dr. 丹尼尔·阿洛伊从美国国家标准与技术研究院获得了300万美元的资助,用于建立一个研究和开发车载无线通信系统的实验室

Dr. 陈军获刑五年, $500,获得美国国家科学基金会颁发的1000万美元CAREER奖,以表彰其对电池电动汽车行驶里程最大化和可持续性的研究.

Dr. 杰弗里·路易被判五年监禁, $586,000 CAREER award from the National Science Foundation to support his research on social robots.

Dr. Amanpreet Kaur has been awarded a NSF ERI grant in the amount of $198,496.她的提案题为“ERI:低成本”, 小型化, Wideband and Wide-Angle Beam Steering Array For 5G Communication System."

Dr. Subra Ganesan和他的学生Bing Liu以题为“通过深度学习神经网络自动扩展目标检测数据集”的论文获得了2023年国际通信与信息技术会议(ICCIT)的最佳论文奖."

Dr. 由于他的杰出贡献,Subra Ganesan获得了底特律工程学会(ESD)颁发的IEEE Robert Neff纪念奖.

Dr. Shadi Alawneh was named a member of the Oakland County Executive's Oakland Together 40 Under 40 Class of 2023. 该项目旨在表彰40岁以下的活跃领袖,他们在奥克兰县及其他地区发挥着重要作用.

Dr. Jia Li was recognized as OU's 2023 Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award recipient!

Dr. Steven Louis led the formal establishment of the IEEE Southeastern 密歇根 Section- Magnetics Society Chapter. 本章于2023年6月8日获批准. 路易斯担任主席.

Dr. Jun Chen received the Best Paper Award at 2023 IEEE EIT Conference. 这篇论文的第一作者是博士.D. student, Zhaodong Zhou, and co-authored by industrial collaborators at Isuzu Motors.

Three ECE faculty members were promoted the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure: Dr. Shadi Alawneh博士. S. Ali Arefifar和Dr. 路易永岳.


Dr. 芭芭拉·奥克利获得了金奖, E-Learning Experience award for her "Uncommon Sense Teaching Specialization" in Coursera. 2023年国际电子学习奖表彰了创新利用技术改善学习和工作绩效的个人和团体.

Dr. 芭芭拉·奥克利(Barbara Oakley)是该领域的三位领袖之一,他们首次获得麦格劳奖,以表彰他们的非凡成就. 她获得了终身学习奖, a recognition of our society’s changing need to help learners of all ages grow in and out of the classroom.

Dr. Ali Malik的研究计划名为“智能数字双胞胎建立弹性智能工厂”,已获得美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)在测量科学与工程研究资助下的批准.


Dr. Xia Wang was appointed the interim chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

A new minor in Mechanical Engineering was approved by the SECS Assembly and is expected to launch in Fall 2024.

新的专门化, “电气推进,” in the ME undergraduate program is expected to launch in the Fall of 2024.

A combined BS/MS program in mechanical engineering was approved by the 365英国上市官网 Graduate Council. 该项目预计将于2024年秋季启动.

Dr. Zissimos Mourelatos博士. 杨连祥博士. Sergey Golovashchenko于2023年10月被斯坦福大学评为“各学科前2%的科学家”之一.

Dr. Sergey Golovashchenko was elected to be a president of North American Deep Drawing 研究 Group. The research group organizes research symposiums on sheet metal forming twice a year.

Dr. 克里斯·库利(Chris Cooley)获得了66,950美元.55 grant from the Army 研究 laboratory for the project “Damage-induced Nonlinear Vibration in Planetary Gears.”

Dr. 萨拉·比瑟姆得到了8美元,美国工程教育学会(ASEE)为“在公开大学播下种子(可持续工程教育发展与支持)”提供10,000英镑的资助

Dr. 尹永顺的提议, titled "ERI: Hydraulic Cylinder Diagnostics Using Nonlinear Inverse Model Estimation and Frequency Domain Analysis," was awarded the prestigious ERI NSF grant in the amount of $200,000.

Dr. Jonathan Maisonneuve secured funds for his ERI NSF proposal, 题为“基于肥料的液体干燥剂:节能除湿和水循环利用的新可能性”.“这个为期两年的项目获得了20万美元的奖金.

Dr. 谢尔盖·戈洛瓦申科获得47美元,348 t from GM for the proposal “Coefficient of friction evaluation for forming.”

博士生Suhas Gupta Thunuguntla博士.D. 博士导师. Chris Cooley) was awarded a Graduate AGMA Foundation Scholarship from the American Gear Manufacturers Association.

Dr. 杨连祥博士. Marco Gerini-Romagnoli和Ph.D. 学生, 郭必成,高中芳, 在2023国际机械工程大会暨博览会上,以论文《365英国上市官网》获得最佳论文奖-亚军.

Dr. 纳萨尔博士说. Marco Gerini-Romagnoli博士. Massimiliano De Agostinis (Università di Bologna, Italy), and Ph.D. 在2023年国际机械工程大会和博览会上,学生Khushboo Tedlapu的论文“增材制造螺栓连接的振动松动性能”获得了最佳论文奖-季亚军.

在2023年的研究中,该系被公认为拥有最大比例的教师获得资助的新研究奖, 创新与参与市政厅会议.
