

Anesthesiology fellowships provide unique learning opportunities for two OUWB students

An image of OUWB student 亚历山德拉Jankulov and one of her posters

亚历山德拉Jankulov stands by the poster she presented at the American Society of Anesthesiology National Conference held in October in San Diego. (提交的图)


铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


Two OUWB students who completed fellowships with the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and 研究 recently presented posters at a national conference about research they did during the eight-week period.

亚历山德拉Jankulov and 萨尔万·阿尔·哈尼 are both second-year students at OUWB.

They participated in the fellowship program during the summer — Jankulov’s was through the University of Michigan, 阿尔·哈尼是通过加州大学洛杉矶分校.

奖学金包括临床学习和研究. Jankulov and 艾尔·哈尼 each gave poster presentations on the research they did during the American Society of Anesthesiology National Conference held in October in San Diego. 

“Having had this opportunity …really just solidified my interest in continuing to pursue anesthesiology and becoming an academic anesthesiologist,詹库洛夫说. “It’s really inspiring to see what the current leaders are doing in this field, 他们模仿了我希望成为的样子.”

艾尔·哈尼 says it helped him understand the field in a whole new way.

“Now, I’m much better equipped to understand anesthesiology,他说. “I didn’t know about a lot of these things before the fellowship.”

The Foundation for Anesthesia Education and 研究 (FAER) is the nonprofit arm of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

FAER’s Medical 学生 Anesthesia 研究 Fellowships (MSARF) program provides funding to support medical students who spend a summer focused on anesthesiology research, 科学方法和技术方面的培训, and learning how to incorporate research into a medical career.

Jankulov and 艾尔·哈尼 each describe their respective fellowship experiences as “amazing,” and say it has played a big role in their development as future physicians.

“I did three years of clinical research with the University of Michigan, 特别是在麻醉科,詹库洛夫说.

“Having the opportunity to go back and see some of my mentors and others I worked closely with prior to medical school was a fantastic experience.”

Jankulov says the fellowship allowed her to see research through a different lens — one that included initiation of a project, IRB提交, 反思与分析, 和演示.

The project she led was called “Effect of Best Practice Alert (BPA) on Post-Discharge Opioid Prescribing After Hysterectomy.” The project studied post-discharge opioid prescribing for hysterectomies, 这导致了一种新型双酚a的发展.

艾尔·哈尼’s project was “Modeling Cardiac Calcification by Differentiation of Cardiac Fibroblasts into an Osteoblast-like Cell.” The study primarily focused on simulating cardiac calcification in a cell culture to help develop future therapies.

As a future doctor, 艾尔·哈尼 says being able to conduct such research is critical.

“我们是下一代的医生, 因为就医学而言, there are still a lot of unresolved problems and a long way to go,他说.

The two OUWB students also say they enjoyed attending a national conference in person and not only getting to present their work, 但要与该领域的其他人建立联系.

“Besides presenting, I was able to meet a lot of peers from other places,阿尔·哈尼说. “I made a lot of new friends and contacts…talked a lot about OUWB and Beaumont and learned a lot about their institutions.”

Jankulov says the in-person aspect of the event helped her realize being selected for the fellowship was “a true honor.”

“I was driving past the conference center and was impressed by how many people were attending the conference,詹库洛夫说. “It was a really rewarding feeling to know that I was one of the students in the U.S. 被选为实际项目的一部分.”

除了研究部分, each says they also took a lot away from the clinical aspects of their fellowships.

“It’s one thing to learn in the classroom with a PowerPoint slide and then suddenly you find yourself in the OR…it really brings together the clinical concepts from lecture and real life,阿尔·哈尼说. “这真的很令人满意.”


“It’s actually kind of crazy just how much you can learn in eight weeks,” she says. “It was a really cool experience to be able to apply what we’ve learned in the classroom to an actual clinical setting.”
