医学院继续在课程中增加艺术和人文学科, 但他们需要做得更多, according to a new study by four professors at Oakl和 University 和 OUWB.


医学院继续在课程中增加艺术和人文学科, 但他们需要做得更多, according to a new study by four professors at Oakl和 University 和 OUWB.

Integration of Arts 和 Humanities in 医疗 教育: a Narrative Review” recently was published in the American Association for Cancer 教育’s 癌症教育杂志.

The four authors of the study are all from Oakl和 University: Rachel Smydra, Ph.D., professor, Department of English; Matthew May, Ph.D.社会学系副教授; 瓦尔纳Taranikanti, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor; 和 对剧中Mi, Ph.D., professor, both from OUWB’s Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies.

The narrative review examined 文学 from about three dozen medical schools that showed educators are implementing didactic 和 experiential instructional approaches to embedding the arts, 人文学科, 将社会科学纳入医学院的课堂.

然而, 该审查建议“更慎重地尝试提供一致的, required course or 学习ing experiences that include elements of (arts 和 人文学科) throughout educational programs.” The review also recommends that educators find ways to better measure the effectiveness of arts 和 人文学科 in medical schools.

Mi says the review is all about shining light on the important role medical educators play in helping future health care providers get in touch with themselves so that they can eventually form the best possible connection with their patients.


“你必须真正理解情绪, 与他人的关系以及这种关系如何影响你的感受, human culture 和 how that might affect a patient’s perception of illness.”

“如果医生不关注这些感觉和情绪, 病人更有可能不接受治疗,米补充道。.



根据美国医学院协会(AAMC), “a growing evidence base suggests that 学习ing experiences that integrate arts 和 人文学科 within curricula may lead to a variety of important 学习ing outcomes.”

“These include skills-based outcomes such as honing observation 和 interpretation skills, 关系结果,比如同理心, 沟通, 和团队合作, transformational outcomes at the level of professional identity formation 和 advocacy.”

Josh Daniel, M2, OUWB, played guitar during his part of the 虚拟人才 show held Feb. 5, 2021.

The review by OU 和 OUWB faculty notes that AAMC changed the 医疗 College Admission Test (MCAT) in 2015 “to highlight an increased need for medical schools to embed components of liberal arts in their curricula.”

That has led medical educators to implement more connections to creative writing, 文学, 剧院, 电影, 音乐, 将视觉艺术纳入他们的课程.

米说喜欢一本书或一部电影 有人飞越了疯人院 may help students underst和 challenges for patients with mental illnesses; 音乐 may help reduce stress, 绘画可能有助于解释和观察技能.

在OUWB, 有些课程融入了音乐元素, 比如看歌剧, 而其他包括医疗即兴表演和写作叙述, 仅举几个例子.

“By adding sections on behavioral 和 social sciences 和 critical analysis 和 reasoning to the MCAT, AAMC’s actions acknowledged it takes more than proficiency in basic sciences to become a competent 和 compassionate physician,评论中写道。.

从AAMC得到了启示, Mi says in 2019 she led the formation of Oakl和 University’s Learning 社区 for Integrating Arts 和 Humanities to Health Professions 教育, established through the OU Center for Excellence in Teaching 和 Learning.


开放大学学习社区是教师的论坛, 工作人员, 让学生去探索, 学习, 讨论, investigate how the integration of arts 和 人文学科 impacts health profession students.

Mi says she wanted a group of faculty members from various disciplines to participate so that they “could work together, 集体学习, provide events to help students 学习 the importance of those disciplines.”


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来自开放大学的近30名教职员工签署了LC的协议. The group received a small grant used to bring in experts on topics related to arts 和 人文学科. LC还与OUWB的学生合作制作 虚拟人才艺术节目 2021年初举行.

进一步, the LC led to the formation of a research interest group that included the authors of the review published in the 癌症教育杂志.

The authors selected 34 articles from around the world that met their criteria for inclusion. 他们研究了一些学校如何使用文学和创意写作, 剧院, 电影, 和音乐, 以及医学教育课程中的视觉艺术.

Smydra是第一作者, 他说,虽然关于这个话题的文献有限, the review indicates that “(arts 和 人文学科) can definitely play a role in medical education.”

“It’s a good vehicle for enhancing patient-doctor relationships…for offering perspectives 和 critical reflection, 这一点非常重要,她说。.

通过出版作品, Smydra says her hope is that others will see the benefits 和 make change accordingly.

“Maybe schools will really start measuring these particular aspects (of medical school) education…when to embed them 和 how to do that successfully so that students walk away with an enhanced underst和ing that they can employ in their practice,她说。.

米说,在《365英国上市官网》杂志上发表这篇评论是有意义的 癌症教育杂志.

“Humanistic medicine is so important because patients are not just cases…they are human beings,米说。. “My hope is that those who read this article underst和 the importance of the humanistic perspective, especially those who deal with patients who have cancer because it really takes a toll on a person 和 their family 和 friends.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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