



Dr. 布朗领导和监督对外商学院的学生支持项目和服务, 签名学生活动, and student organizations in support of the school's efforts to incorporate best practices in student wellness, 驻地比赛准备, 职业认同发展.

除了监督职业发展, 学术成就, 以及学生健康和福利项目, Dr. 布朗是医学院学生的顾问,从1年级到4年级. Dr. Browne is also an assistant professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies and serves as a co-course director for the PRISM curriculum.

Her professional background includes more than 15 years of student affairs and student support services experience at the secondary, 本科, 研究生阶段. Dr. Browne于2014年加入OUWB,担任学术成功主管. 她最近的职位是助理院长和负责学生事务的临时副院长.

Dr. 布朗是阿尔比恩学院的校友,在那里她获得了政治学文学学士学位. She earned her master’s in clinical counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary and earned a doctorate in higher education leadership from Oakland University. 她的博士研究, 这篇文章探讨了医学教育中的学生健康和福利问题, 被365英国上市官网评为2020年最杰出论文(非stem类).

珍妮花根学生事务助理院长 & 职业发展 


爱德华·詹妮弗·鲁特.D. 负责学生事务的副院长是谁. 作为副院长. Root supports the associate dean in executing the overall mission and vision of the Office of Student Affairs by providing leadership and strategic support for all student affairs matters including career advising, 学术支持, 学生健康计划, 大型活动.

Dr. 鲁特的专业背景包括超过10年的学生支持,包括职业咨询, 学术顾问, 以及本科生和研究生的健康支持. 在她的职业生涯中. 鲁特一直对学生维权保持着强烈的热情, 学生的成功, 持续的项目改进.

Dr. Root first joined OUWB in 2018 as the 高级医学院顾问 and was promoted to the 学业成功主任 position in 2019. Dr. Root is an alumna of the University of Detroit Mercy where she double majored in Psychology and Addiction Studies. She earned her master’s degree in Community Counseling with a focus on Career Counseling from Oakland University. 2021年5月, 她完成了以精益领导为重点的组织领导教育博士学位. 为了她的博士项目. Root conducted a study on the role of new student orientation in building a supportive community among novice medical students.

穆罕默德Jafri, m.s.D.


Dr. 穆罕默德Jafri是负责职业顾问规划和学生咨询的副院长. 在他的角色中, he works closely with M3 and M4 students to prepare them for the residency application process as well as working with OUWB specialty advisors to ensure they have the tools and resources necessary to support students’ residency match goals. Dr. Jafri also serves on the OUWB faculty as the clinical course director for the Renal/Genitourinary organ system course during the M2 year. He has been practicing as a urologist at the William Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak Campus since 2012 and is one of the lead clinicians serving the Department of Urology Residency Program. 他的临床兴趣主要集中在泌尿肿瘤学和男性健康.

Dr. Jafri是密歇根大学的校友,在那里他获得了经济学学士学位. He completed his medical school education at Emory University and did his residency training at the Emory University Department of Urology.



Dr. 丹妮尔·特纳-劳伦斯(丹尼尔Turner-Lawrence)是负责职业咨询的副院长. 她于2009年加入OUWB医学院的首届教师团体. 从那时起,她参与了本科医学教育的许多方面. She served on the OUWB Admission’s Committee for 5 years including her role as Chair from 2013-2016 and was the former Clerkship Director for Emergency Medicine. 她目前在学生事务处的职位让她有更多的时间, 一百一十一, with M3 and M4 students ensuring they have support with career exploration and throughout their residency search.

除了博士. 特纳-劳伦斯在医学院的角色, she is a Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and is faculty within the Department of Emergency Medicine at Beaumont, Royal Oak. She serves as the Residency Program Director for Emergency Medicine as well as the Medical Education Fellowship Director. Dr. Turner-Lawrence received her Bachelor of Science in 2001 and her Medical Doctorate in 2005 from the University of Michigan before heading to Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, 北卡罗莱纳, 为了她的住院医师培训. 她对医学教育充满热情,喜欢与各级学员一起工作.



Dr. Allushuski领导学术成功团队,专注于支持学生的学术努力. 在她的角色中, she monitors student progress and provides support through workshops and individual meetings focused on effective learning strategies and USMLE preparation. 此外,Dr。. 阿卢胡斯基负责导师计划,并为需要住宿的学生提供联络.

他来自巴西. 阿卢胡斯基只得了B.S. 利普斯科姆大学心理学博士.Ed. 心理咨询和博士学位.D. 他们都是密西西比大学的高等教育硕士. 加入OUWB之前, 她在本科学生的学术指导工作中工作了10多年, 第一年的经验, 早期干预, teaching, 学生保留, 学习策略辅导, 以及学术支持项目.

梅勒妮张伯伦, M.A.


梅勒妮张伯伦担任高级医学院顾问. 她于2023年5月加入对外开放大学学生事务团队. 在她的角色中. Chamberlain provides guidance to students as they navigate the increased learning responsibility of a medical school curriculum.

职业/专业探索. Ms. 张伯伦拿的是B.A. 在密歇根州立大学获得社区关系和政治学硕士学位.A. 鲍灵格林州立大学的大学生人事. 在担任高级医学院顾问之前,她是一名医学顾问. Chamberlain served Oakland University 本科 students for seven years as an Academic Adviser in both the School of Education and Human Services and the First Year Advising Center. 在她的职业生涯中. 张伯伦把重点放在支持学生通过过渡, 学院准备, 以及专业和职业探索.

凯蒂·托玛,m.s.Ed. (她/她/她的)Katy Torma


Katy Torma于2021年12月加入OUWB学生事务团队,担任行政协调员. 此前,她是OUWB招生团队的一员. 作为密歇根州和该地区的本地人,凯蒂完成了她的B级.S. 在萨吉诺谷州立大学获得运动训练硕士学位.Ed. 365英国上市官网高等教育领导学硕士. 加入OUWB之前, 她曾在酒店和康复服务与我们的临床合作伙伴, Corewell健康, 多年来. 凯蒂的一些职责包括管理学生健康保险, 免疫接种, 医生观察/见习项目, 健康和职业发展规划, and the planning and execution of large-scale events like the White Coat Ceremony and Honors Convocation.

负责学生活动的学生事务协调员 & Events


杰米的臣子 joined OUWB in July 2021 as the Student Affairs Coordinator responsible for activities and events. Jamie also serves as the Student Affairs advisor to Medical Student Government and provides oversight to student organizations. 杰米拿的是B.A. 萨吉诺谷州立大学历史学和政治学硕士.东密歇根大学高等教育、学生事务学士学位. 在OUWB之前, 杰米曾在劳伦斯理工大学担任学生生活主任和希腊生活顾问.



帕蒂Zoia于2021年12月加入OUWB学生事务团队,担任办公室助理.  她的职责包括管理CMSS套件的前台, 协助分发资料给学生, 协助团队处理活动, 还有更多. 作为第一个接触点, 她很高兴与学生互动,并以任何可能的方式帮助他们. 在加入OUWB之前,她在招聘和人力资源公司brighwing工作了几年.

Janae Kinn, LMSW

Janae Kinn

牛津大学医学院学生心理健康顾问Janae Kinn, LMSW, 是致力于提供安全, 保密, supportive, 并为所有M1-M4学生提供空间, 尤其是那些在学校里挣扎的孩子, life, 或者心理健康相关的压力源. Janae is available to meet with students in O’Dowd Hall on OU’s campus and at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI提供治疗, 加强学生健康, 解决医学生的倦怠问题.

Janae has a Master of Social Work degree from University of Michigan with a concentration in health and a certificate in adult and pediatric integrated primary care and mental health. 作为一名治疗师,她有与学生和家庭合作的临床经验, 危机剥脱, 医务社会工作者, 案例管理器, 并在底特律倡导.

Janae融合了正念技术, 综合保健观点, 交集, 自我保健策略, 创伤护理技能, 循证实践(如CBT和DBT), 在她与学生的合作中采用了基于优势的方法.

阿什利·沃特斯,马萨诸塞州,LPC, NCC


医学生心理健康顾问 阿什利继续萎缩 joined the OUWB Student Affairs team in July 2022. Ashley is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Nationally Certified Counselor who came to us most recently from Central Michigan University’s Counseling Center where she has gained extensive experience providing individual therapy, 团体治疗, 以及学生的心理健康项目, 专门从事学前保健工作, pre-med, 医科学生.

在她成为有执照的专业咨询师之前, Ashley spent several years working as a student affairs professional at Saginaw Valley State University. Ms. Watters holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work and a master of arts degree in Mental Health Counseling from CMU.

Ashley has worked with clients on topics such as; anxiety, depression, 冒名顶替者综合症, trauma, 自我保健习惯, 身份问题, 以及以客户为中心,以力量为基础的关系和方法咨询. 阿什利努力创造一个安全、互动、协作和有目的的环境. She places a high value on the therapeutic relationship and she makes every effort to understand who someone is as an individual and learn about their unique life experiences.

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