Improved patient care focus of OUWB, OU School of Health Sciences interprofessional event
博士的照片. Bicos在国际政治经济学研讨会上发表讲话
詹姆斯·比科斯,M.D., speaks during the inaugural interprofessional experience in orthopedics for longitudinal joint care that brought together 365英国上市官网威廉博蒙特医学院 (OUWB) and the Oakland University School of Health Sciences (SHS) Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT).

学生 and clinical faculty from two Oakland University schools recently collaborated on an event designed to prepare future health care providers even better for working with real-world patients.

The inaugural interprofessional experience in orthopedics for longitudinal joint care brought together 365英国上市官网威廉博蒙特医学院 (OUWB) and the Oakland University School of Health Sciences (SHS) Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT).

Clinical faculty from OUWB and the DPT program explained in detail the journey of patients who have anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and/or total knee replacements, 从术前指征到手术技术, 术后康复.

马修Cederman, M2, OUWB, 与M3 Avianna Arapovic和M2 Nikhil Aggarwal一起协调活动. Cederman said the hope is that attendees have a better understanding of the process from beginning to end.   

“在医学方面, 例如, 我觉得我们的很多学习和教育在手术结束时就停止了, 但这并不一定会停止对患者的治疗,他说.

“The aim of this event was to not only provide a networking opportunity for medical and DPT students, 但也要从彼此的专业中学习,他说.



M2的Matthew Helou在跨专业活动中提出了一个问题.

Cederman said inspiration for the event came from a 2017 research paper called “Interprofessional approaching for teaching functional knee joint anatomy,出现在 解剖学年鉴.

The paper examined an interprofessional teaching concept for medical students and physiotherapy students to complement existing medical curriculum at University of Freiburg in Germany.

“Evaluation of these courses showed high acceptance and appreciation among participants of both professions and participation seemed to be associated with better anatomy exam results,论文总结道。.

It also called “strengthening interprofessional cooperation as an essential aspect of modern health care.”

在为期三小时的OUWB/SHS活动上,M . James Bicos.D.约瑟夫·盖特勒,m.s.D. 克拉克·尹,m.s.D. — all orthopaedic surgeons at Corewell健康 — detailed what happens during surgery for ACL reconstruction and total knee replacement. (比科斯和盖特勒都是OUWB的临床教员.)

“The biggest benefit from this is that we take our knowledge that we have from our own medical silos and share it with other disciplines,比克斯说。.

“By doing this, we broaden our knowledge and answers for things in a different light.”

具体地说, Bicos said he hopes DPT students took away a better understanding of the mechanical nature of the surgeries. 同时, he wanted OUWB students to learn what it takes to undergo rehab and the importance of rehab in relationship to patient outcomes.

“The hope is that (everyone) took away the knowledge to help them further understand the healing of their patients,他说.

莎拉竞技场, PT, DScPT, 导演, OU DPT, 是那些谈到术后康复过程的人吗.

“It’s an outstanding opportunity for our PT students to interact with physicians because that’s certainly what they’re going to be doing when they get out into the real world of practice,”她说。. “外科医生可能会做出诊断并进行手术, 但是作为理疗师, 我们真的希望他们的手术能取得最大的成功.”

“Our students being able to see that link and get that introduction is invaluable,” she added.

 David Fausone, PT, DScPT,也在活动上发言,并称之为“超级重要”.”

“When we’re out (treating patients) as professionals, we work together as a team,他说. “This is a great opportunity for future PTs and future doctors to get to know each other and figure out how we work and determine what’s going to be best for our patients.”


博士的照片. IPE竞技场

莎拉竞技场, PT, DScPT, 导演, OU DPT, 是那些谈到术后康复过程的人吗.

艾米莉安德鲁斯, 一个三年级的PT学生, 她与欧博大学的同事一起协调了这次活动.

She said the main motivator for her “is creating a better environment and health care system for our patients.”

“如果我们在两个职业之间相互尊重和开放的沟通, 这对病人的治疗效果有很大的影响,”她说。. “这次活动有很多说教和具体的知识要学, but it also helped bridge our two professions in a personal way that I haven’t experienced before.”

She said the biggest hope is that participants from both schools recognize how vital each profession is to the other.



Orthopaedic ‘fervor’: Every medical school in Michigan represented at orthopaedic surgery symposium hosted by OUWB student org


“We have a symbiotic relationship that is fostered in events like this,”她说。. “We want to change the way health care and the continuum of care looks for our patients. That all begins with the next generation of professionals such as the students present at this event. We hope participants had an open mind to hearing what each profession had to share and can apply this knowledge in their everyday practice.”

席德曼说,他对这次活动的首次举办感到满意, 希望它在OUWB有一个未来, and suggested the idea of it becoming part of the regular curriculum “to expose it to all individuals instead of those who went to the event.”

He also said the team behind the event already is at work on a research project about it with hopes to spread word about the benefits.

He added that a post-event survey will provide more insight into how attendees felt about it, but anecdotal feedback “shows that those who attended the event saw that it was very worthwhile.”

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 (电子邮件保护).

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