McKenzie Allen, Yasin Sahin, and Parisa Bastani celebrate 2024比赛日 at OUWB.

In the back-and-forth battle between a global pandemic and the OUWB Class of 2024, 这个班级在周五的选举中明显胜出, 当他们庆祝比赛日的时候.

他们是美国近4.5万名同龄人中的一员.S. 参加全国居民配对计划(NRMP), the annual event that reveals where most graduating medical students have been accepted for residency training.

The soon-to-be physicians gathered at Oakland University’s Oakland Center, 在那里他们得知他们要去梅奥诊所这样的地方, 德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心, 加州大学洛杉矶医学中心, 和布朗大学.


“This is a day that will rank as one of the most memorable days in a physician's life,克里斯托弗·卡朋特说, M.D.临时院长斯蒂芬·夏普(Stephan Sharf). “Ask any physician in this room…Match Day is the one day they have never forgotten.”

For additional information, including more stats and the full list of matches, view the 2024比赛日页面

“It’s not just about the opportunity, but what you do with that opportunity,” he added. “No matter where you end up, I am sure you will achieve great things and make OUWB proud.”

出席此次活动的其他发言者包括:伯克利·布朗(berkeley Browne)博士.D.丹尼尔·凯里(Daniel Carey), m.s.D., 总统, 威廉博蒙特大学附属医院, 以及365英国上市官网校长奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨, M.D.


“无论你走到哪里, 无论你做什么, the key is to remain open to possibilities and to be positive when the unexpected arrives. And remember what brought you to this moment was your decision… your passion…to serve.”

像Ryan Ko这样的学生很高兴.

他说:“对我们所有人来说,这真的是一个重要的时刻. “我们付出了很多努力, 经历了一次大流行, a第一步评分变化, 尽管如此, 我们班配合得很好.”




Andrew Vrtar celebrates with his family learning that he matched in anesthesiology at University of California Irvine 医疗 Center.

The match process begins in the fall during the final year of medical school, 当四年级医学生申请住院医师项目时. Residency programs interview applicants throughout fall and early winter.

从一月中旬到二月下旬, applicants and residency program directors separately rank each other in order of preference and submit the preference lists to NRMP, which processes them using a computerized mathematical algorithm to match applicants with programs.

OUWB的学生在24个州进行了配对. (Eleven students have transitional years before their final destinations as residents. 只有他们的最终目的地被统计在内.)

此外,他们在20个不同的专业上相匹配. The top four, in order, were internal medicine, anesthesiology, family medicine, and pediatrics.

Collin Braithwaite matched in orthopaedic surgery at Mayo Clinic School of Graduate 医疗 教育. 他的妻子和两个孩子和他一起参加了比赛日的庆祝活动.

“这一天对我和我的家人来说绝对意味着一切,”他说. “It’s been years and years of hard work and sacrifice to try and accomplish our dreams. 这绝对是不可思议的一天.”

Thirty-eight students – or 32% of those who matched Friday – will stay in Michigan.

Nineteen students (16%) will be participating in residencies at Corewell健康 Hospitals in Dearborn, 皇家橡树, 和格罗斯波因特的11种特色菜.

“We want to think locally in terms of serving our communities and I think we’ve done a really good job in that regard,卡朋特说. “But we also want our students to have opportunities where it best meets their needs and their career goals.”

“We’re excited about the numbers staying at Corewell健康 and within the state, but also just as excited for every student who matched in a place they were excited to go to.”




At noon, students were handed envelopes containing details of where they matched.

After a short countdown, they ripped them open and learned where they would be headed.

Tears of joy streamed down Aubrey Haughn’s face as she took it all in after learning she matched in family medicine at McGaw 医疗 Center of Northwestern University - Lake Forest.

“真是松了一口气,”她说. “这让我非常感激所有的支持,让我们走到这里. 它让我回想起我们在医学院时的艰难时光, 我们是怎么熬过来的, 现在我们要去这些神奇的地方. 为了这一刻,我们太努力了.”

2024届新生是在新冠疫情最严重的时候入学的. 布朗指出,这个班级的经历是非典型的, but that she believes the members of the class will be better off having endured what they did.

“这个班级的适应力非常强,”她说. “Their first two years were pretty much all remote because of COVID and in a lot of ways, 医学院不是为他们准备的.”

“For them to have achieved so much in light of that and the regular challenge of med school makes me so proud of them,”她说。.





玛丽莎·斯特拉克也面临着自己的挑战. 五周前,她生下了一对双胞胎. They attended her mother’s Match Day celebration, along with her husband, Momo Traore.

在一起, the young family celebrated as Stratelak learned she matched in anesthesiology at University of Illinois College of Medicine.

“There is so much excitement, so many emotions…I’m really excited,”她说。. “我们终于要回家了,和父母在一起.”

Stratelak said she and Haughn are best friends and were especially excited to have matched close to each other in the Chicago area.


“感觉很有回报,奥因坎索拉·阿金佩卢说, who matched in general surgery at University of Texas at Austin Dell 医疗 School. “普通外科手术很难,但我对最终的结果感到兴奋. 我在那里做了一个客场轮换,我很喜欢. 我很兴奋能回去.”

“没有多少人能体验到这一点, 所以能够做到这一点是很了不起的,内尔·布里戈利说, M4, 在维克森林浸信会医学院的小儿科. “Seeing all the love around, not even just from my family, but everyone else is amazing. 进入医学界的都是合适的人.”

“我仍然难以置信,这件事发生了,我很震惊, 因为俄亥俄州立大学是我的第一选择,唐娜·卡亚尔说, who matched in emergency medicine at The 俄亥俄州 State University Wexner 医疗 Center. “终于能在一起真是太棒了, especially with not being able to see each other in the beginning due to COVID.”

“It’s nice to share this with all the people who have supported me through all of this. It’s the support of your loved ones that gets you through the tough moments,麦肯齐·艾伦说, 在哥伦布的全国儿童医院做儿科手术, 俄亥俄州. “团结在你周围的人帮助你到达这里.”

“It’s the cumulation of what I’ve been working on since I was a little girl. 我从5岁起就想成为一名儿科医生.”

Carey left all of the excited students with a final question designed to inspire.

"You are ready for Match Day and all the great possibilities that your match list represents,他说. "My question is … Is the residency that you match with today ready for you?"

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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